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My impressions from participating in the festival Berjadagar 2022

In 2022 (July 29-31) I took part in the festival at the kind invitation of Olöf Sigursveinsdottir. This was my first full-fledged visit to Iceland and my first real collaboration with Icelandic musicians. And this experience left the strongest impressions in my heart. I have taken part in many festivals around the world, but here in Ólafsfjörður I was truly enchanted. The combination of the original nature, the musical passion of the participants of the festival and the family reception of the locals and the public makes the festival a unique phenomenon. The concert venues of the festival have good acoustics, which allow performing a variety of genres.

I hope the festival will develop and become a significant event not only in Icelandic cultural

life, but also on an international scale.

Viacheslav Poprugin píanóleikari

Gestur Berjadaga 2019 og 2022

Berjadagar á Ólafsfirði eru einstæð hugljómun þeim sem þá sækja. Fjölbreytileikinn mikill og metnaður listamanna mikill. Ógleymanleg listahátíð á sólríkum norðurhjara á sólríkum Ólafsfirði.

Tjarnarbóli 14, 170 Seltjarnarnesi.
[email protected]

Arnþór Helgason vináttusendiherra